Fingerprint mould instructions

There is enough moulding material to make two fingerprint moulds for each child. One pot of White and one Blue per charm (each mould will use half of each pot mixed together). Please note that children under 6 months do not always have a well defined fingerprint with a lot of detail, the dimpled mould will still be unique to your child.


1. Ensure child's fingers are clean and dry before taking a mould. It is advisable to ensure fingernails are trimmed also.
2. Take out the contents of the white pot using a pointy item such as a skewer. Split in half and roll into balls. Do the same with the blue pot contents, keeping both colours separate for now. You should now have 4 balls of mould, 2 white and 2 blue, ensure they are of equal size.
3. Take one white ball and one blue and kneed together using your fingers until the colour is a pale blue with no marbling effect. The mould is now mixed and will start to harden quickly! If the mould starts to set before making the impression the fingerprint will lack definition.
4. Roll the mould into a smooth ball.
5. Put the ball onto the sheet provided, use a book as support underneath and press childs chosen finger (Index finger normally or Small finger for teenage children) into the ball. Keep the finger straight and press deep into the mould without going all the way through, this gives a good deep impression for us to work with.
6. If you are unhappy with the fingerprint or you do go all the way through the mould then just start again by rolling into a ball, be aware that it may set hard very quickly now (repeat steps 3-5).
7. Repeat steps 3-5 for each mould.
8. Leave moulds out of child's reach to set for 10-15 minutes.
9. If you can press your fingernail into the side of the mould without making an indentation then is set and ready to post back to us.
10. Put moulds into the bags provided and write each child's name on the individual bag.
11. Please send the moulds in the bags provided and return the empty pots using the envelope we sent you. Please do not forget to send your order form and add any special requirements.


Inkless Prints instructions

1. Ensure that the baby/child's hand or foot is clean and dry.

2. Remove the wipe from the packet and wipe the hand or foot with the wipe, making sure that you completely covered the bottom of the foot or the palm of the hand.

3. Please be careful not to touch the paper with your fingerprints as it will mark the sheet (your fingerprints will develop in the same way as the baby's hand or foot!) You may find it easier if one person wipes the foot/hand and the other person takes the print on the paper so they do not touch the wipe at all. Alternatively you could wear gloves and then remove them before taking the prints.

4. Press the wiped hand/foot onto the paper, making sure that you print onto the side which has NOT been marked by Make an impression label. It is recommended that you place the paper against a board of some sort i.e. a placemat or book to ensure it is supported and you have something to press the hand or foot against. You may wish to secure it with some blue tack. Make sure the hand/foot does not move when on the paper as it may result in a smudged print. It is recommended that you press the heel onto the paper first and then roll the foot towards the toes, this way you should reach all parts of the foot. With young babies this process is always easier when the baby is relaxed or even asleep.

5. Lift the hand/foot carefully up and away from the paper and you are finished! Your print will develop and you will begin to see the detail appear.
TIP: You may even be able to get multiple prints on each sheet of paper. We will then select the best print.

Important: Even though this is non-toxic and is used in hospitals on new-born babies, please wipe your child's hand or foot with a wet wipe or warm soapy water when finished to remove any traces of the wipe's solution.

Please ensure that your child does not put their hand in their mouth while it has the solution on the skin. This is just a recommended precaution although we have not heard of any instances where it can harm your child. When the wipe has been opened it must be used immediately.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to talk through the process before you start.